This is it, friends, after weeks of waiting and all of my previously mentioned promises, we now bring you the next installment of Tours with the Cornelisons! Let's take a look!
Remember that doggie door that was so thoughtfully carved out of our wall?
Do you see even a hint of said hole now? (Its previous location had been to the right of the french door, seen above.)
In case you may have forgotten.....
This is a shot that I do not believe was included in any previous post. The door on the left of the picture is to the upstairs bathroom, you're looking down the stairs into the living room (right) and kitchen (left, with wood floor) area. You can see the cream/beige color we painted the walls fro this view, too. (It's technical name is "baked scone".)
Remember this vanity? (This is the upstairs bathroom.) You can see here the color we painted this room, the master bedroom, and the downstairs bathroom with. The actual name of this color is "approaching dusk".
This is a closeup of part of the closet in the spare upstairs bedroom, which I have affectionately staked my claim on and dubbed "my office," although I really have no need for one. The top portion of the closet needs paint still, because we ran out of the green ("green tea"). I'm trying to decide between the white color we're using on the trim and ceilings ("clear moon") and the baked scone color of the rest of the house. Any suggestions? Please post your vote in the "comments" section. : )
Now, if you look very closely, you can almost tell that we painted one of these spindles baked scone, while the rest remain white. We had planned to leave them all white (paint them clear moon). However, Mark had the idea to paint the casing around them clear moon, but paint the actual spindles baked scone. I'm not sure which I like better, so please cast your votes on this matter, too.
This room makes my soul cry. This, friends, is the laundry portion of the downstairs bathroom. When we first had the water turned on a few weeks ago, there was a huge leak in the sink of this room. Much flooding ensued. We have been hesitant to even patch the wall up yet because we don't know that we won't need access to the plumbing again in the future.

Ahhh, art.
(I was taking a picture just to show the little area where the toilet is before we painted it, and realized how artsy the toilet paper looked sitting on the tank. I know it, you don't have to tell me... I'm a nerd.)

Remember the water damage I told you about? This is that hideous red bedroom, whose closet shares a wall with the laundry area of the bathroom. we pulled the carpet up to help it dry out better.

This is the little hallway between the bathroom and that bedroom. The lower third of the wall was rotted out, and this picture shows where Mark had just begun to tear out the rotted sheetrock. We ended up taking out the entire lowest third of the whole wall.

Remember the nasty, chunky, trashy looking fireplace area? Here it is post-Mark's patching. Doesn't it look wonderful?!?
And that is all, friends. I promise to be a better correspondent, and intend to take lots of pictures over the next few days, hopefully to post this weekend, showing our progress since these were taken last week. Thanks for coming along for the ride!
Wow, it looks like you both have been very busy. We hope that you are doing well. Brad and I are loving Boise and John is getting huge. We have a blog too: We found yours from the Stellmons. Good luck with the house!
You are amazing!!! That is soooo much work. What a "fun" bonding experience for you two though. I like the paint colors you chose.
Much Love,
Johnna (Hughett) Paxman
Dad and I agree that a chair rail and lighter top in your office would be nice and we like the not white color on the one post too. Just our opinion though - Do what you want. We like your choices so far! Love You Both - Dad and Mom
Hi Dorese. Your house looks like a lot of work, but work that will be fun and rewarding - I had a great time fixing up our trailer with James before we were married.
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