Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I meant to mention this with the camera post, but I can say it now just as well. Me having my very own shiny high powered super awesome camera (complete with cute bag) means that I now will be taking more pictures and (should hopefully be) posting more on the blog. For example, I made cinnamon rolls yesterday, and decided to take pictures of the process, and I'll post those soon. I have all sorts of pictures from the last few months floating around {{especially of Charlie}} just waiting to be shared, and hopefully those too will soon be forthcoming.

The picture I'm sharing today, however, is one I don't think I would have dug up and put on here, but I saw this on several other blogs and liked the idea. So here's what the idea is: go into your "My Pictures" folder, then to the 4th folder, and to the 4th picture within that folder... and then talk about it! So here's mine:

In my little folder library, this picture is titled "Hawaii day 1 020", though it was taken in Washington state. And, surprisingly, since this was taken in 2007, I actually took this picture! Mark's graduation present from his parents was a trip to Hawaii, so we left the day after he graduated and were gone for about a week. I took this picture out the window of our airplane as we flew from Spokane, Washington, to Seattle, Washington, to pick up our flight to Honolulu. I couldn't believe there was so much snow still in the middle of May! And now, as we look through our Hawaii pictures, it does seem a little odd that the first group of them are pictures of snowy mountains and the last 2500 are of beautiful beaches and endless green...


Super Angie said...

That's a funny picture from your Hawaii trip. :) When we went to Hawaii, we left Shishmaref wearing down coats and gloves. :)

Chris said...

Wow that is a great photo! One of my flights to Hawaii I got to see mt. st helens prety close and it was snowy, it looked so awesome! I wish I had my camera out for it.
I have no idea how they do the tracking thing, but you can see who has looked at the blog also, I have seen it a few times and it freaks me out! I am like you, I enjoy stalking with anonymity, you and your big words, the semester is going good, very busy with projects, but I like that. I just finsihed planning a 3 day business conference. We do fun things in my program, I also have a work study job now. How is the semseter workingo out for you? we should meet and have lunch sometime. I am generally now on campus during lunch hour.

Hillary said...

Hey, Dorese! It's good to "see" you! I'm glad you like my Domestic Diva blog! :) That cardstock tip of yours is quite ingenious -- I may have to steal it from you! :)

I browsed around your blog a bit. I'm insanely jealous of your new camera! I want one soooooo badly! In fact, my birthday is coming up in about a month, and I've told everyone to get me nothing, just give me money so I can get a fancy camera! :)