There have sure been a lot of things going on around here lately! Debi asked me if we've moved into our house yet, which reminded me "oh yeah! We DO already have a house!" We just haven't had any time lately to do anything over there. My joke from before Spring break ("I swear, if we don't get moved in over my break, it won't happen 'til I'm done with finals!") is really coming true! I did stop in one day last week on my way home, just to walk around, say hi and ask poor House how her weeks have been faring without our cheerful company. For the record, she hasn't missed us at all. Doesn't look or smell any differently. My Cheetos are still there though, so I savored old times by standing in the kitchen and looking around, while chomping down and turning my hands and mouth bright orange. I don't think House likes it very much when I drop Cheetos on the floor between the counter and my mouth, though - she always was a little on the edge of spite - and especially after being left alone for so long!
In other news...
I'm happy to report that my biggest projects for the semester are done and gone. It's Friday, next week is "dead week," then finals! I am so ready to be done this semester! I have a few projects and presentations left, but those will be cake with my new optimistic I-can-see-the-light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel outlook! I'm feeling much better, but now Mark is the one keeping the house up at night coughing. Awwe, just kidding. : ) He is really sick though. We've even been to the doctor this week (a first in the 4 years I've known him)... and we've been there twice. With another appointment next week. Poor guy!
In other news...
I'm happy to report that my biggest projects for the semester are done and gone. It's Friday, next week is "dead week," then finals! I am so ready to be done this semester! I have a few projects and presentations left, but those will be cake with my new optimistic I-can-see-the-light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel outlook! I'm feeling much better, but now Mark is the one keeping the house up at night coughing. Awwe, just kidding. : ) He is really sick though. We've even been to the doctor this week (a first in the 4 years I've known him)... and we've been there twice. With another appointment next week. Poor guy!
Well, I guess that's all for now... I'm sorry we're so boring lately! We're going on vacation in a few weeks, so we should have lots to talk about and many pictures to share with that coming up!
Comment comment comment! But since I'm chatting with you right now I'll ask you all my questions directly ;)
I'm sure the house misses you. It probably just doesn't know how to say so...
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