Today, I would like to introduce you to Ana of Knock-Off Wood. Just look at the pictures below and allow yourself to be drawn into the wonder of having beautiful furniture without having to luck into it at your local thrift store, only to have to completely refinish it once you get it home. To be able to build high quality, high class pieces with basic tools, materials, and skills, is an amazing thing to consider. Go check her out! Any post whose title begins with "plan:" will have a link at the very end of the post (look for the word "share" followed by icons for facebook, twitter, etc. Hover your mouse directly above the word "share", and the word "MORE" will appear. Click "MORE" and a whole post will open which includes the plans and step-by-step instructions for completing the project.
Meet Ana:

And here are a few pictures of her plans that have been built by her readers:

This is how her "plans" look. All things pictured are things she designed, copied right out of a Pottery Barn/Williams Sonoma/Land of Nod catalogue.
{{And will you LOOK at that HUTCH!}}

Sorry this one was picture heavy! I had a little more time today to spend looking for pictures on Ana's blog than I did for yesterday's feature on Thrifty Decor Chick.
So what do you think? How do you feel about building your own furniture vs. buying it already made? What do you think of the new look and feel of the blog? I'm still in the process of making some changes, but I'm curious what YOU think.
I am loving this NEW blog. Such great ideas. I am glad that you can do all of the research and then just post them on your blog, so all I have to do is look in one spot for way cute fun ideas and yummy treats. I think you are awesome!
Oh my gosh Knock Off Wood was exactly the resource I needed right now! THANK YOU for sharing it. We are going to need all new furniture for our new house and this is going to save me a TON of money. I'm so excited for my first project!
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