This, friends, is a disgusting, dirty, nasty looking
toilet bowl.....
.....Cleaning itself.

Yes, you read correctly - it's being cleaned. And do you see my delicate hands anywhere near said toilet bowl? No. How, you ask, is such a thing done? I will show you!
The Culprit:

.....Cleaning itself.

Yes, you read correctly - it's being cleaned. And do you see my delicate hands anywhere near said toilet bowl? No. How, you ask, is such a thing done? I will show you!
The Culprit:

Just measure some powder from the jug into the cap, then dump the powder into your dirty toilet bowl. If the foam doesn't reach the rim, just add some more. Don't be like me and get too excited about this now, or you'll have a mess on your hands. Just don't be like me.

Once the foam begins to break down (it's already to this point in the above picture), just flush and walk away.
But don't forget to take that toilet brush with you, and toss it into the nearest dumpster, 'cuz you'll never need to use it again!
If your toilet is particularly dirty (like this one), you may need to scrub. So maybe you should save that last step until you've got your toilet glistening and made a firm commitment with yourself to pro-actively "freshen" your toilet often enough to not need scrubbing. (The directions suggest weekly application, though I think it should remain at the discretion of personal preference.)

Once the foam begins to break down (it's already to this point in the above picture), just flush and walk away.
But don't forget to take that toilet brush with you, and toss it into the nearest dumpster, 'cuz you'll never need to use it again!
If your toilet is particularly dirty (like this one), you may need to scrub. So maybe you should save that last step until you've got your toilet glistening and made a firm commitment with yourself to pro-actively "freshen" your toilet often enough to not need scrubbing. (The directions suggest weekly application, though I think it should remain at the discretion of personal preference.)
LOL, I don't even WANT to know what's in that stuff ;) I wonder if it was one of those "accidental inventions" it was supposed to be some rocket fuel or something and someone said "hey! I bet this would really clean porcelain!" We can get those guys to Pluto some other time now that it's not a planet anymore...
Hahaha, you're probably right! : )
I am going to have to get some of that and put it to a true test... Moscow water. If it can get rid of that then it can be added as a miracle.
You gotta be kidding me!! I've never seen this! See, this is what I'm talking about, see what we learn?? :) I'm going to look for it, sounds like it really works!
I don't care WHAT's in it if I get to throw my toilet brush away *gag*
I'm adding this to my shopping list today. Just hope it's available here!
thanks for sharing!
wow!just WOW!
That's amazing.
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