Welcome the first-ever private tour of the reclusive Cornelisons and their new mansion house! (Note: These pictures were taken on our first work-day, and will soon be replaced, showing the place in a little better repair and with a more tasteful color palette!)

This is the dining room, from the view of the kitchen. 'Nuff said.

See that hole in the wall next to the lovely french doors? Yeah, the brilliant folks who lived here before us thought that instead of going the conventional route and putting the doggy door into another door, they would just take it out of the wall instead. And right above the heater vent...? Project No. 1: Fill That Hole! Oh, and don't mind the propane tank; we felt like having a barbecue indoors to for fun. Nah, just kidding, though that does sound like fun, doesn't it? We had a monster propane heater in there to keep us warm while we worked, since the gas won't be turned on until tomorrow.

This is the back patio and back yard, if you walk out the french doors. Ah, winter in SE Idaho, in all of it's brown glory!

And, to bring us back around in a circle, this is the view of the wall separating the kitchen/dining room from the living room (and the gaping hole where a refrigerator belongs).

This is the view leaving the kitchen. (The dark on the right of the picture is the pantry door; the fridge would be on the left.)

Heading upstairs, the bathroom is the first room you come to. You can walk through it to the master bedroom, which is the doorway on the far right of the picture. Nice vanity though, eh?

There's nothing significant about the master bedroom; it's really boring looking if you don't count the holes in the walls, which you can't see in the pictures, anyway. So I'll just cut to the chase and show you the other two upstairs bedrooms, which are.... interesting, to say the least.

This room was themed in purple and lavender, with black trim. Yes, black. The light shades on the fan are even painted black. Yikes.

Back downstairs again, and help has arrived! Poor Benji looks terrified! C'mere little guy, don't be shy now!

"You listen here, lady. I didn't sign up for this. Oh, and can I go home now, since I'm such a good boy? Can I, can I?

And since we've got the front door open, let's take a peek out at the front yard, SE Idaho style!

Since we're all about staying on task, we'll head downstairs now to see what we haven't gotten to yet in your very own private tour of the Cornelison Mansion. This is the family room, or, as Mark is already referring to it: the theater room. The little window thing looks up into the living room, and below that, do you see that open cupboard thing? Let's have a closer look...

There we go... This my friends is where the hobo spiders live. I mean, the crawl space below ground which houses the water heater, furnace, water softener, and the hobo spiders. We can't forget about them!

This view is of the other end of the family room, where we were standing before. Notice the groovy stove-less woodburning stove area! Those logs, followed by the hideous hearth have got to go. And then there can be peace in my heart once again. See my prowling toward them? I'm about to exercise my mammoth strength and tear the hearth out with my fingernails. Just kidding, though I did make that threat yesterday until destruction of the stove-less stove area began. Ahh, persuasion!

This, my friends, is the laundry room. Hard on the eyes, I know. Have no fear, it will be made pretty, or my name's not Queen! Wait a second...

And that brings us to the last, though certainly not least, room in the house. This is the only bedroom downstairs, and the first one I think I'll paint. This picture really doesn't do the exact shade of red used here justice. It even looks nearly decent! Be warned, however, it's not. It's hideous, darling, simply hideous.
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